indicates the operational status of the business, as determined by our compilation and verification processes.
A status of open indicates that our compilation team believes the business to be open and operational. When verification_status
is "verified", our compilation team has verified the record as open for business in the past 24 months. Records with a verification_status
of "pre-verified" are possibly open but verification is incomplete.
Out of Business
Indicates that our compilation team has confirmed the business as out of business.
Use this dataset to identify records that Infogroup has confirmed to be out of business. Since the Out of Business Dataset does not include ""temporary deletes"" or ""suspect records"", you can be confident that these businesses are truly no longer operational.
Using out of business records as a way to determine which businesses have closed is a better solution than simply looking at the delta of infogroup_id
numbers in your deliveries.
Unconfirmed - Disconnected Phone Number
Indicates that the record is considered suspect because it has been identified as having a disconnected phone number.
Unconfirmed - NCOA Suppression
Indicates that the business has registered a change of address, but our compilation team has not yet verified a new address for the business.
Unconfirmed - No Longer Appears in YP
Indicates that the business no longer advertises in the Yellow Pages, our compilation team has been unable to verify the business by phone, and therefore the record was ""aged off"" from verified to suspect.
Unconfirmed - Other Source
Indicates that the business no longer appears in the ""other source"" (source other than the Yellow Pages) in which it was originally found, our compilation team has been unable to verify the business by phone, and therefore the record was ""aged off"" from verified to suspect.
Indicates that our compilation team has received some indication that the business is no longer operational, but has been unable to confirm.
See also:
- Status and Recency - Data Guide
- in_business - Data Dictionary