
The type of address for the location.


Display Name Address Type
  • Firm (F) - The address matches to a firm record at an address (some firm names exist in the USPS files, associated to an address or a suite number)
  • General Delivery (G) - A service in which the USPS hold mail until the addressee collect it; this service is typically used when mail cannot be delivered to a physical location
  • High Rise (H) - The address matches to a street address that has secondary units (suite numbers, apartment numbers, etc)
  • Military (M) - The address is within a military base; often in this scenario, mail is delivered to a central point on the military base and the mail is further distributed from there
  • Post Office Box (P) - Mail is delivered to a box at the Post Office rather than the physical location
  • Rural Route (R) - The address is a Rural Route or Highway Contract address (for example, RR1 Box 22 or HC 62 Box 53)
  • Street (S) - The address is a street address (for example, 1201 Main St)

Database Values

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