
The carrier route for the location address as assigned by the USPS.


Display Name Carrier Route Code

A postal carrier route is assigned to a group of addresses to assist the USPS with mail delivery. Each home.carrier_route_code contains tens to hundreds of ZIP4 codes.

Carrier routes are four-character strings. The first character is coded to describe the type of delivery:

  • R - a rural route where the mail is delivered in a vehicle
  • C - a city delivery where the mail is delivered on foot by a postal employee
  • B - a PO Box delivery and cannot be mapped because multiple routes can overlap

These classifications hint at the density of occupants within the home.carrier_route_code.

All records assigned a home.carrier_route_code are considered deliverable. home.carrier_route_code can be used with saturation mailing and is recommended over ZIP Code for this purpose by the USPS.

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